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Sonnedix Completes Construction of 77MW PV Plants in Spain

Published on 25 Jul 2023
Sonnedix announces that it has completed the development of the final plant in a portfolio of five solar PV plants in Valladolid, Castilla y León province in Spain. This follows the announcement in March of the completion of four of the five plants in the portfolio.

Following the completion of the final plant, the portfolio is now fully operational, with a total capacity of 77 MW. It is expected to generate around 156GWh of clean, reliable, and affordable electricity during its first year, capable of powering over 50,000 Spanish homes and removing over 30,000 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.

All five ground-mounted photovoltaic plants have been built by EPC Ríos Renovables, who is currently overseeing the operations and maintenance work. Sonnedix has signed a twelve-year renewable energy power purchase agreement (PPA) for 100% of the power with Endesa, Spain's largest electric company, providing protection from volatile energy costs and helping to reach renewable energy targets.

Axel Thiemman, CEO of Sonnedix, said: 'We're delighted to have completed the development of the final plant in this solar portfolio, enabling it to become fully operational. Europe is the second-largest PPA market globally, led by Spain, which is, therefore, a key region in which Sonnedix will continue to expand our portfolio of projects, matching customer needs in order to meet the urgent demand for clean, secure energy.'

Sonnedix is the leading solar independent power producer (IPP) in Spain, with an operating capacity in the country of over 800MW and a pipeline of over 330MW. For more than a decade, Sonnedix has been committed to helping Spain attain its renewable energy targets and contributing to becoming one of Europe's leaders in the energy transition. Sonnedix continues to actively seek further opportunities to expand its platform through the acquisition, development, and conversion of solar, wind, and storage projects in Spain, and across other OECD markets.

Sonnedix's global portfolio of renewable energy is over 9.5GW across 10 countries, including a development pipeline of more than 6.5GW. The Group has c.500MW under construction and more than EUR 7bn currently invested across various stages of the development process globally.

Source: Sonnedix
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