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Kseng Solar Ignited SNEC 2024 with Cutting-Edge Solar Racking Solutions

Published on 20 Jun 2024
Kseng Solar 
SNEC 2024 successfully held in Shanghai. Kseng Solar stood out with its comprehensive solar racking solutions for residential, C&I, and utility applications, captivating lots of audiences and garnering widespread interest throughout the three-day event.

All-scenario Solar Racking Solutions

Featured a diverse range of solar racking solutions designed for various applications, the display across solar fixed and tracking systems, covering KST solar trackers, Tile Roof solar solutions, Metal Roof solar solutions, Ballast Roof solar solutions, Easy Solar Bracket/Kit, BIPV solar solutions, etc. The all-scenario solar racking solutions highlight Kseng Solar's robust manufacturing capabilities and its ability to meet the different needs of the global market.

Engaging Series of Activities

Kseng Solar's booth was filled with excitement, featuring a series of engaging activities. The release of the dual-manufacturing base trailer video, strategic cooperation signings, and informative speeches, drew significant attention from industry professionals and solar energy enthusiasts. These activities were evidence of Kseng Solar's long-term commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation and delivering high-quality solar racking solutions

Dedicated in providing solar racking and tracking systems provider since2015 and driven by the mission of "Empowering our world with clean energy", Kseng Solar will commit to delivering more top-tier solar racking solutions to meet solar energy demands, empowering the global transition to green energy.

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