Solar Trade Platform and Directory of Solar Companies
Sun-Age s.r.l.

Sun-Age s.r.l.

Via Groppelle 13, 36064, Colceresa, VI
Click to show company phone
Italy Italy

Staff Information

Useful Contacts
Contact Face
Sun-Age Main office
Contact Face
Wanda Dal Sasso Sales Manager
Contact Face
Federico Moretto Commerciale e Marketing
Company Description

SUN-AGE: The specialist in creating fixing supports for photovoltaic systems.

SUN-AGE is one of the leading companies in Italy in the creation and supply of anchoring systems: our international patents continue to grow, however simplify and speed up installations. One of the strong points of the company is the constant advice and availability towards customers and their needs. The support given by SUN-AGE is at 360°, the customer is followed from the initial requests up to the final installation system. The company provides countless solutions, from the simple solution of a pitched roof to a more complex system on industrial roofs and ground solutions.

Business Details

Component Types
Mounting System, Roof Attachments, Mounting Rails, Module Clamps, Ground Screws
Mounting System
Ground, Roof, BIPV, Floating
No. of Known Sellers
Mounting System 2 Sellers


Business Details

Installation size
Smaller Installations, 1MWp+ Installations
Operating Area
Last Update